Friday, November 11, 2016

Free Paleo Cookbook

ATTENTION: Paleo Cookbooks that reveal how to cook delicious meals using the most nutritious . . . healthiest . . . and tastiest ingredients in the world!

With These Recipes In Your Hands, You Can Achieve The Best Health Of Your Life, Be In 
The Best Shape Of Your Life And Experience More Energy Than Ever Before . . . 
Let Me Show You How . . .

Dear Health Conscious Reader,
       My name is Nikki Young, author of the Paleo Cookbooks. Before I introduce you to my delicious paleo recipes, I want to tell you straight off the bat that the paleo diet is not a diet designed by diet doctors, faddists, or nutritionists; it is a diet designed by nature. It is not the latest weight loss program or celebrity diet that leaves you craving sugar-laden foods.
The paleo diet is the diet the human body is supposed to follow, and as such, all the positive results gained from following the paleo foundations seamlessly fall into place:

paleo cookbooks
  • Increased Energy
  • Clearer, Smoother Skin
  • Weight Loss Results
  • Better Performance and Recovery
  • Stronger Immune System

This Is The Healthiest And Most 
Beneficial Diet We Can Follow

Imagine seeing and feeling more results in your body and health in a week than you ever have in a lifetime.
These are the results tens of thousands of people continue to experience on a daily basis and that I have experienced as well – that’s why I’m a huge advocate for the paleo diet and I believe you too can experience how amazing it is to suddenly be able to go through your days with more energy, while seeing a happier, healthier body in the mirror.
How can eating natural foods that make up the paleo diet promote such wonderful results?
Simple: It is the nutritional value within each and every single food source that our body thrives for. It is the vitamins, minerals, protein, fats and low GI carbohydrates that maintains the health of every organ in our body – and when everything is functioning optimally, you can’t help but to experience all the health benefits associated with optimal health.
This is why I have created the Paleo Cookbooks, a total collection of hundreds of my favorite paleo friendly recipes that will help you follow the healthiest and most nutritious diet in the world. These cookbooks contain:

  • Grains
  • Potatoes
  • Lentils
  • Dairy
  • Processed Sugars
  • Preservatives

Perfect Paleo Recipes For Athletes

When you consume foods we as humans have evolved to eat, while simultaneously eliminating the over processed sugar laden foods now linked to causing the many diseases we are faced with in society today, your body will be provided with the pure nutrition that will assist in normalizing your body weight and improving athletic performance and recovery.
You and I are designed to eat and live off the land, to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and animals – this is the ultimate secret (which isn’t really a secret) to optimal health, losing weight, staying lean, improved performance, reduced risk of injury and faster recovery and healing
Here is what some professional athletes who follow the paleo diet are saying:
Greg Caveman Parham“Leaner. Stronger. Faster. I made the switch to the Paleo diet in January 09 and these are but a few of the benefits I’ve experienced. As an elite athlete, I was looking to take my performance to the next level. I didn’t buy all the marketing junk about high carb intake, sports drinks, powerbars, goos, protein drinks, you name it. My body needed real food. Making the switch was easy, but keeping meals interesting was hard. That’s when I discovered the Paleo Cookbooks. Chock full of tasty and easy recipes, the cookbooks gave me the variety I needed to keep the diet going strong. Thanks Nikki!”
~ Greg “Caveman” Parham
Elite Athlete

Ursula Grobler“It was so great to download the Paleo Cookbooks and receive instant access to great ideas. The cookbooks are easy to read, easy to follow and so simple. Yet really tasty and fun to prepare.” I like the presentation and enjoy creating masterpieces from the Paleo Cookbooks. I have also enjoyed learning about the great substitutes for old favorites, like using green peppers as a ‘bread’ holder substitute, or still being able to bake foccacia, using alternative flours. I just enjoy ‘paging’ through the recipes planning out great meals to share with my friends and family.”
~ Ursula Grobler
USA Rower and Indoor World Record 
holder for lightweight women 2000mr

John Schneider“Nikki, Thanks for putting together such great books. In the past 2 months, my cholesterol has dropped 24pts, I’m leaner, stronger, and just feeling better in general than I have in a long time. Your recipes are great and I can even get my wife to eat them without even knowing that we are doing anything special with our diet. I presented your material as a part of my nutrition plan for my judo club and they are all responding well to it. Please keep up the good work, you are changing lives.”
~ John Schneider
Head Coach, Pitt Judo, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer, Performance Enhancement Specialist (NASM) Masters of Science in Exercise Science – Performance Enhancement & Injury Prevention

Travis Schefcik“Nikki, I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your cookbooks. The Paleo Cookbooks are stuffed with easy to make recipes that cover breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Your cookbooks make a simple diet, even simpler!Thank you for taking the time to put all these delicious paleo recipes together and sharing them with the world!”
~ Travis Schefcik
L1 CrossFit Trainer

Adam Farrah“Nikki really did a great job putting her Paleo Cookbooks together. They’re well organized, beautifully laid out and have something for every taste preference. I was a chef for years and I STILL learned some great stuff from the Paleo Cookbooks. In particular, I eat a lot of eggs and all the omelet recipes and variations really gave me some great new ideas. Thanks again for putting together two great cookbooks, Nikki!
~ Adam Farrah
Author of Practical Paleolithic 
CrossFit Coach 
IKFF Kettlebell Teacher

Ross Blake“As a full time health and fitness consultant my clients need to eat right. Paleo nutrition is simply the most effective way for us to achieve the health outcomes necessary for lasting results. The problem is there is often a stalling point between wanting to eat paleo, knowing what to eat and how to cook. These cookbooks helps us to have paleo nutrition in our daily lives. I really appreciate all the effort that Nikki puts into her recipes. I have full confidence in anyone using this cookbook not only for health but for great tasting meal options.”
~ Ross Blake
Professional triathlete 1998-2002
Personal trainer and nutrition consultant for 13yrs
Head coach, B32 CrossFit, Competitive CrossFitter

Even with all of these recommendations... There's MORE!

Andy Jeffery
Andy Jeffery
Greg Battaglia
Greg Battaglia
Daniel Chong
Daniel Chong
Scott Scatles
Scott Scatles
Steve Reeks
Steve Reeks
Andrew Rubalkava
Garret Smith
Garret L. Smith
Antonio Valladares
Antonio Valladares

...And many more!

As you've just read from a few of the people enjoying my paleo recipes... when you have your copy of my Paleo Cookbooks you will be eating healthy meals that do not result in you eating bland, boring or tasteless foods...
You will be cooking with fresh ingredients that provide the ultimate range of delicious flavors that will have anyone rushing to the kitchen to eat your next meal...
You will be able to cook desserts that aren’t overloaded with sugar and white flour which often leave you bloated, ‘heavy’ feeling or fatigued after eating...
And you will feel confident cooking delicious recipes without pasta, rice, bread and dairy.

8 Recipe Categories
Paleo recipes under the following categories will excite your taste-buds and have you cooking an easy three course meal:
  • Snacks
  • Meat
  • Chicken
  • Fish and Seafood
  • Soups
  • Salads
  • Omelettes
  • Desserts

Special Recipe Categories
Recipes for the 21st Century Hunter Gatherer
  • Chocolate
  • Capsicum Sandwiches
  • Noodle Recipes

Paleo Eating for Modern People
  • Paleo Breakfast Recipes
  • Foccacias

Simple & Easy Paleo Recipes
With clear step by step instructions you will produce paleo friendly meals that will get rave reviews from friends and family every time!

Measurement Conversion Table
No matter what metric system you use, you will easily be able to make these paleo recipes withoutany hassle!

Absolutely everything You Need follow the healthiest diet in the world and to start achieving the health, energy, vitality and weight loss results you want.
paleo breakfastpaleo mealspaleo sandwichpaleo sandwichpaleo dessert

Here's Where I Make It Even
Easier For You To Get Started!

I know that with this knowledge and these delicious paleo recipes you will have all of the tools you need to pursue a healthier approach to eating, while enjoying the rewards of feeling full of life every day.
But if it's not for you.. if the paleo diet isn't giving you results after enjoying the recipes in my cookbooks, send me an e-mail and I will refund you in full within 60 days of your purchase... no questions asked!
This means you don’t have to worry about your investment!
You can’t find a more generous offer than that!

As If This Wasn't Good Enough Already...
I'm going to through in free of charge five bonus ebooks that will take your paleo lifestyle to the next level!

Well, not anymore!
30-Day Paleo Meal Plan
30-Day Paleo Meal Plan
This meal plan references 125 recipes from the Paleo Cookbooks. Full of color photos of delicious paleo recipes, the plan provides a kick-start for those new to the paleo diet, and offers new exciting ideas for existing paleo diet followers.

Paleo Food Guide
Paleo Food Guide
This guide will be your best resource for all foods paleo and will help you start and stay paleo with ease. It will also help you to explore new territory within your own cooking and creations. This guide covers:
  • A Comprehensive list of paleo foods
  • A List of in-season fruits, vegetables and herbs
  • and, contains a Paleo shopping list for your convenience

Paleo Eating Out Guide
Paleo Eating Out Guide
Solve the dilemma's associated with eating out at restaurants and cafes. In this guide I show you:
  • How to stay paleo when eating out.
  • Some example meals you can order for a paleo-friendly breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  • and provide Helpful tips to ensure when you dine out you're not getting caught out by sneaky ingredients such as gluten and dairy.

Paleo Roasts and Paleo Lamb Recipes Cookbooks
Delicious Paleo Roasts and Paleo Lamb Recipes Cookbooks
  • Delicious Paleo Roasts includes 20 succulent roast recipes including: Beef, Pork, Chicken, Duck, Turkey & Quail.
  • Paleo Lamb Recipes includes 21 recipes devoted to highlighting the many flavors lamb can offer. These are practical recipes that you can enjoy on a variety of different occasions, with dishes the whole family will enjoy.

4 Ingredients Paleo Cookbook
4 Ingredients Paleo Cookbook
The cookbook that makes paleo cooking easier than ever!
There are 65 easy to remember recipes that provide you with fast, everyday paleo cooking options.
You will easily be spending less time in the kitchen and less money on food by preparing delicious paleo recipes in the simplest way possible using only 4 popular paleo ingredients.

paleo cookbooks
Both Cookbooks and
Bonuses Only $48 $37!
add to cart

Take The Next Step In Your Quest For
Health And A Better Life

Before you securely checkout, let me quickly summarize the entire Paleo Cookbooks package:
  • You can enjoy eating 375 simple and easy to create paleo recipes including 8 recipe categories and 5 special recipe categories not limited to chocolate and paleo breakfast recipes!
  • You will be able to create paleo recipes that help you to stay away from unhealthy sweets and fried foods!
  • You will receive the three bonus guides: Paleo Guide To Getting Started, Paleo Eating Out Guide and the Paleo Food Guide to help you understand the paleo diet and keep you on the path to following a healthier diet and enjoying improved health.
  • You will also receive the 30-day Paleo Meal Plan that you can follow to fast-track your health, energy, vitality, weight loss and achieve many other health benefits associated with following the paleo diet.
  • My 4 Ingredients Paleo Cookbook consisting of 65 delicious paleo recipes is also yours to download absolutely free! This is the perfect cookbook for quick paleo recipe ideas as well as time and cost saving options.
Both Cookbooks and
Bonuses Only $48 $37
add to cart

Here’s to cooking healthy, paleo recipes!
Yours Sincerely,


P.S. Bread, pasta, rice, refined cereals, sugar laden food, preservatives and additives where not part of our diets at the same time cancer, obesity and heart disease where all unknown. It is no coincidence our modern diet is causing our health to plummet at an alarming rate. But there is a solution, because there is a way to eat an old-fashion diet that promotes good health, high energy, weight loss and disease prevention. The best part is, it is the easiest and simplest approach to healthy eating you will ever come across and it is one you can maintain over your whole lifetime while enjoying every moment.
P.P.S. If you have read this far then I know that you are serious about your health, and serious about improving it though diet and nutrition. So if you want to make this positive change you can start today with the right tools and resources needed to allow you to eat healthy without being bored by meal choices. Take action today by getting your copy of my Paleo Cookbooks that have helped thousands of people around the world live a healthier life with the paleo principles - and they will help you too.
P.P.P.S. Everyday you can work on improving your health, or you can work on being sick and shortening your life by eating the foods you now know are damaging to your health. Every day counts, so act now and start truly enjoying your life.

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